Полетните контролери (Flight Controller) за мултикоптери, се развиват буквално всеки ден. Основната тенденция в момента която наблюдавам е сериозно преминаване от контролери с F1 процесор ( Naze32, CC3D ) към такива с F3 ( SP Racing, X-Racer F303 ) .
Идеята на тази тема е да обсъждаме актуалната информация около тях.
Преди време попаднах на видео от Joshua Bardwell. В него той описва различните видове полетни контролери и какви са им предимствата и недостатъците.
След като го изгледах разбира се , си поръчах X-Racer F303
, но преди малко попаднах и на нов интересен пост в RCgroups , в който описват новият контролер на MotoLab -
MotoLab Tempest Flight Controller with Integrated PDB
Който идва с интегриран PDB и цена около 40$

* Single connection for the lipo to power both the flight controller and ESCs.
* On-board 1.5A 5V current-limited switching regulator for direct connection to lipos up to 4S, or up to 6S with power filtering.
* 1A rated LC-filtered power output for VTX/camera.
* USB interface independent of UART channels.
* Three hardware UARTs.
* Reverse current protection on lipo and USB inputs for problem-free ESC calibration.
* Dedicated serial LED/transponder output with regulated 5V and GND.
* On-board buzzer driver with 5V and lipo voltage option.
* Built-in VBAT monitor with low-pass filter from lipo input.
* Dedicated SAT receiver interface with 3.3v using JST connector for compatibility with Spektrum/LemonRC cables.
* Dedicated PPM and serial receiver interfaces with 5V power using 0.1" headers.
* Compatibility with receivers using Spektrum 1024/2048, SBUS, SumD and SumH receivers with built-in inverter.
* High-quality gold plated multilayer printed circuit board.
* Connector location on the board edges for convenient access to serial interfaces and other peripherals
* PWM outputs on the corners near the motors.
* Plated holes for all connections, with the exception of USB and UART 1 on quick-connect JST-SH.

Идеята на тази тема е да обсъждаме актуалната информация около тях.
Преди време попаднах на видео от Joshua Bardwell. В него той описва различните видове полетни контролери и какви са им предимствата и недостатъците.
След като го изгледах разбира се , си поръчах X-Racer F303

MotoLab Tempest Flight Controller with Integrated PDB
Който идва с интегриран PDB и цена около 40$

* Single connection for the lipo to power both the flight controller and ESCs.
* On-board 1.5A 5V current-limited switching regulator for direct connection to lipos up to 4S, or up to 6S with power filtering.
* 1A rated LC-filtered power output for VTX/camera.
* USB interface independent of UART channels.
* Three hardware UARTs.
* Reverse current protection on lipo and USB inputs for problem-free ESC calibration.
* Dedicated serial LED/transponder output with regulated 5V and GND.
* On-board buzzer driver with 5V and lipo voltage option.
* Built-in VBAT monitor with low-pass filter from lipo input.
* Dedicated SAT receiver interface with 3.3v using JST connector for compatibility with Spektrum/LemonRC cables.
* Dedicated PPM and serial receiver interfaces with 5V power using 0.1" headers.
* Compatibility with receivers using Spektrum 1024/2048, SBUS, SumD and SumH receivers with built-in inverter.
* High-quality gold plated multilayer printed circuit board.
* Connector location on the board edges for convenient access to serial interfaces and other peripherals
* PWM outputs on the corners near the motors.
* Plated holes for all connections, with the exception of USB and UART 1 on quick-connect JST-SH.